Politics Episodes

Feb. 21, 2021

Recall Fever: I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.

California voters are especially testy these days as we enter our 12 th month of Covid lockdown. Not only is the Governor threatened with Recall over his handling of the crisis, but the San Francisco District Attorney is too,...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Feb. 8, 2021

Ambassador Ric Grenell and the California Recall

Ambassador Ric Grenell served as US Ambassador to Germany from 2018 to 2020. Subsequently he served as Acting Director of National Intelligence in 2020, a cabinet level post. A favorite of Donald Trump for his blunt and forth...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Feb. 6, 2021

Governor Newsom's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week.

The first week of February 2021 was not very good to the Governor of California. First, the Recall signature campaign was closing in on 1.4 million signatures with six weeks left before the deadline. Then two Republican candi...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Jan. 22, 2021

A peaceful transfer of power.

Joseph R. Biden Jr. was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021. His predecessor Donald Trump did not attend the ceremony, but he left a letter of support for the incoming President in the Ova...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Jan. 13, 2021

Militarization of Politics must Stop

The Siege of the US Capitol one week ago illustrated how US politics have become militarized under Donald Trump. Militias and their members were a visible presence at the infamous rally beforehand and at the storming of the C...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Jan. 7, 2021

25th Amendment: Removal of the President from Office

The 25th Amendment permits the Vice President and a majority of the cabinet to declare a President unable to discharge the duties and powers of his office and replace him. Should Vice President Pence and the cabinet remove Pr...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Dec. 27, 2020

Why do US Presidents want to be Irish ?

When Joe Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021 he will become the 23rd President in history to have Irish roots. 50% of our Presidents have an ancestral link to Ireland - that's quit...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Dec. 16, 2020

Chesa Boudin : Radical Pedigree of the District Attorney

Chesa Boudin, the 40 year old District Attorney of San Francisco was elected November 2019. He has spent his first 11 months in office radically transforming the criminal justice prosecution priorities for our City. But none ...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Nov. 17, 2020

President Kamala: Debunking a Myth

A popular conspiracy theory in right wing circles is that Vice President elect Kamala Harris will soon take over from an incapacitated President elect Joe Biden. When you repeat such a theory you are giving it oxygen some arg...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Nov. 6, 2020

Trump’s new conspiracy theory.

President Trump, in his 16 minute electoral fraud diatribe from the White House Briefing Room, Thursday November 5 has launched a Conspiracy Theory of a stolen election, before the American people and a global audience. His o...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Nov. 2, 2020

Harry Truman's upset win in 1948

72 years ago today, November 2, 1948, President Harry Truman defied all expectations and won re-election, when the national polls had him down 6.5% versus Governor Tom Dewey. His come from behind win was a shock to the nation...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Oct. 22, 2020

Gun Sales Sky Rocket as Election Approaches.

Gun sales in June surged to 3.9 million weapons, an 80% increase over the same month last year. More than 20 million new firearms have been purchased in 2020, fueled by national apprehension over the pandemic, unemployment, e...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Oct. 13, 2020

JFK and Amy Coney Barrett: No Religious Tests.

JFK took on anti-Catholic bigotry upfront in the 1960 presidential campaign, speaking before a conference of Protestant Pastors in Houston, Texas, September 12 regarding his Catholic Faith. Kennedy went on to win the Preside...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Oct. 7, 2020

Kamala Harris versus Mike Pence - Urban Prosecutor confronts Evangelical radio host.

Wednesday night's VP debate was more anticipated than past vice presidential meet ups for a host of reasons. After last week's acrimonious shouting match that was disastrous for both Biden and Trump, Mike Pence had to steady...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Sept. 9, 2020

Police Chiefs continue to resign across the nation.

Over the last 6 weeks, five major police departments have lost their Chiefs, in large measure because of a breakdown of trust between the Mayor and Chief. Most police chiefs serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and their ongoi...
Guest: Jim Herlihy