Lifestyle Episodes

June 24, 2021

Finding My Roots: Talking to Tim Early

After many years searching, I have found my paternal grand father's ancestors through a patrilineal DNA test. The Y chromosome only passes to the male line and often these ancestors share the same surnames centuries later. Li...
Guest: Tim Early
June 9, 2021

Baseball Card Mania: the Big Business of Trading Sports Cards. Talking with Ryan Fagan MLB journalist with the Sporting News.

Baseball cards and sports cards generally are not just a youngster's pastime. Investing in culture assets like baseball cards especially is becoming an alternative asset class. A 1952 Mickey Mantle card, for instance, sold f...
Guest: Ryan Fagan
May 14, 2021

Canada's mysterious brain disease: In conversation with Professor Dr. Neil Cashman.

An undiagnosed neurodegenerative brain disease has occurred in a cluster in New Brunswick on Canada's East Coast. 48 people in the City of Moncton and the Acadian Peninsula have been affected. The cause is unknown and no cure...
May 13, 2021

California's vaccination rates and getting back to work: in conversation with Susie Neilson, Data Reporter for The San Francisco Chronicle.

San Francisco has reached the 50% mark in terms of full Covid vaccinations, with 71% of the remaining unvaccinated population saying they plan to get the shots. And more good news on the jobs front - the City by the Bay is do...
Guest: Susie Neilson
April 28, 2021

The Lost Family: How DNA testing is upending who we are. A conversation with author Libby Copeland.

Over 30 million Americans have taken DNA Tests at home, largely for recreational genealogy and family history purposes. This vast array of DNA databases has linked millions of distant cousins and newly discovered relations. ...
March 10, 2021

David beats Goliath: How a gym owner took on Governor Cuomo and won. An interview with Charlie Cassara.

When Governor Cuomo of New York issued his lockdown orders March 20, 2020, he failed to designate fitness centers as essential services. Notwithstanding the health benefits of exercise and the fact that 73% of the 525,000 Cov...
Feb. 13, 2021

Age Discrimination and Telehealth : A Conversation with Andrew Broderick

The Medical profession has aggressively adopted the video call and the Zoom meeting during the Covid lockdown. Over 25 million video doctor visits have taken place in 2020. But as this digital health revolution got underway, ...
Jan. 15, 2021

The Crosstown Trail: America's most beautiful urban hike.

The 17 mile trail that crosses San Francisco from the Bay in the South East corner of the City to Land's End in its' North West Corner, cuts right through the heart of our 49 square miles of natural beauty. It traverses urb...
Guest: Jerry Siegel
Jan. 2, 2021

DNA, Ancestry, Roots, Databases: The Darkside to your Christmas present.

DNA genealogical testing is dominated by and 23 and Me. MIT's Technology Review estimates that 26 million such test kits have been sold by these two companies. While their growth has been explosive, privacy conce...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Dec. 30, 2020

The Relocation Dilemma: San Francisco or Houston ?

In 2019 87,00 Californians relocated to Texas. And in 2020 we lost several iconic Bay Area tech companies to the Lone Star state such as Oracle, Hewlett Packard and Palantir. Podcast celebrity Joe Rogan moved to Austin and Te...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Nov. 1, 2020

Gray Wolves: Predator or Victim ?

The gray wolf, one of America's iconic symbols of the Old West, is to lose its' endangered species status. The Trump Administration argues that 45 years of protection has seen its numbers grow six fold to 6000. But conservati...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Oct. 18, 2020

Kanye West High School: San Francisco eyes re-naming its' schools.

San Francisco is looking to re-name 44 of its' 114 schools. The move was prompted by a review of existing names for slavery links, genocide perpetrators, colonialists, white supremacists etc. 9 US Presidents' names would be ...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Sept. 27, 2020

California Dreamin' or California Leavin' : A new Exodus

California experienced its' smallest net population growth in 2019 - 87,000 or 0.2%, the smallest net increase since 1900. The 2020 net increase is likely to be even smaller. Are the unaffordable housing costs, high taxes an...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Sept. 12, 2020

California's Wildfires: a Pathway to Redemption. Who Knew ?

The 3700 California prison inmates who volunteer to be firefighters as we wage war on the Wildfires, will be eligible to have their records expunged as a result of their service. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the legislation ...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Sept. 11, 2020

Orange Skies and Poison Air: California in Flames.

San Francisco's skies turned the color of Irish Single Malt Whiskey, even down to that hint of smokiness on Wednesday morning. The deep orange/amber twilight persisted most of Wednesday forcing everyone to turn on their headl...
Guest: Jim Herlihy