Book Reviews Episodes

May 4, 2021

Dangerous Conjectures : the critically acclaimed novel by Brian Finney. The Interview.

Dangerous Conjectures tells a tale of the way we were, in the three months leading up to the 2020 Covid lockdowns. Set in Berkeley, California, the novel relates the story of a young professional couple caught up in a "throug...
Guest: Brian Finney
April 20, 2021

Poorly Understood: What America gets wrong about poverty. Speaking with co-author Professor Mark Rank about his book.

Poverty in the United States is more widespread than in the other developed OECD countries due to our skimpy social safety net. For instance, 60% of Americans will experience poverty sometime in their life between 18 and 75 ...
March 17, 2021

CRISPR People. The Science and Ethics of editing the Human Genome

Two women Emanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna won the 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing the gene editing technique known s CRISPR-CAS9. But in 2018 the first humans were born with edited genes in China, twi...
Feb. 5, 2021

Labyrinth of the Wind (2)

Labyrinth of the Wind is the critically acclaimed debut novel of Madhav Misra, our guest in the Meet the Author series. Madhav takes us back in time to the late 1970s when Teheran, Iran was an international city, awash in pe...
Guest: Madhav Misra
Feb. 3, 2021

Labyrinth of the Wind

Labyrinth of the Wind is the critically acclaimed debut novel of Madhav Misra. Set in Teheran, Iran in the late 1970s as the Shah's regime is coming to an end and the fundamentalist Islamic Revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini is...
Guest: Madhav Misra
Sept. 29, 2020

Deceit and Dirty Money an interview with author Jim Herlihy

Deceit and Dirty Money is Jim Herlihy's debut novel written in the late 1990's - a simpler and gentler time before 911, Global financial crises, cell phones, the internet and electric cars. Set in San Francisco, this financia...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Sept. 21, 2020

Upon this Rock - Interview with author David Eugene Perry

A new Meet the Author series kicks off today at The San Francisco Experience. David Eugene Perry's debut novel is set in Orvieto, Italy. With a tip of the hat to Dan Brown, this mystery thriller weaves together an intricate ...