JFK and Amy Coney Barrett: No Religious Tests.

JFK took on anti-Catholic bigotry upfront in the 1960 presidential campaign, speaking before a conference of Protestant Pastors in Houston, Texas, September 12 regarding his Catholic Faith. Kennedy went on to win the Presidency, albeit narrowly with 112,000 votes. He reminded the clerics of the No Religious Test provision of the US Constitution (Article VI, Clause 3) and further spoke of his own WWII heroism in the South Pacific. We thought that the concept of Catholics being viewed as "Other" had been set to rest. But the ugly vestiges of anti-Catholic bigotry and Religious Oaths have re-surfaced in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings this week. Judge Barrett needs a forceful JFK moment to put that ugly bigoted genie back in the bottle. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/james-herlihy/message