Bill Boerum

March 13, 2023

Can Americans travel to Cuba ? Talking with Citizen Diplomat Bill Boerum

US regulations and restrictions on traveling to Cuba .
Guest: Bill Boerum
April 29, 2021

Wine Country Resiliency: A conversation with Bill Boerum, Wine Industry Entrepreneur.

Napa and Sonoma Counties are America's premier wine producing regions. 85% of American wine is produced in California with Napa and Sonoma accounting for more than half of that total. Bill recounts the early signs of economic...
Guest: Bill Boerum
Feb. 25, 2021

Is the Iran Nuclear Deal back on ? A conversation with Bill Boerum

The Biden Administration is seeking to revive negotiations with Iran on the 2015 Obama Administration deal. The Trump Administration abrogated the agreement in 2018. And since then Iran's foes in the Persian Gulf - Dubai, Bah...