Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) the second largest school system in the United States and the largest in California, published a report last week outlining the dire impact of the Covid lockdowns on our state's 6 m...
Poverty in the United States is more widespread than in the other developed OECD countries due to our skimpy social safety net. For instance, 60% of Americans will experience poverty sometime in their life between 18 and 75 ...
A young family weighs a difficult decision to leave San Francisco and move to North Carolina. Mixed emotions confront Allison and Neal as they decide to leave their adopted home in San Francisco for North Carolina. A wistful ...
Coinbase went public today, making it easier for individual investors to transact in Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and Litecoin. Will Coinbase make Crypto more accessible like Apple and Microsoft made clunky...
Minneapolis and the nation as a whole are holding their collective breath as the George Floyd murder trial unfolds. Just as the repercussions of his killing by police officer Derek Chauvin last year are still working their w...
The Frida Kahlo Exhibit is a collection of the artist's most personal artifacts including clothing, photographs, prosthetics, paintings, and jewelry which was stored at her home in Mexico City from the time of her death, 1954...
Running Fence was a 24.5 mile massive art installation on the hills of Sonoma and Marin Counties, ending with a dive into the Pacific Ocean. Rated by the Smithsonian Institution as one of the most important artworks of the se...
Canada's Pandemic management in 2020 was exemplary by any measure, lower infection rates and lower mortality rate belied the nation's sense of collective responsibility for all Canadians health. The US has much to learn from ...
Since the start of the Covid 19 pandemic one year ago, Asian Americans have faced racist violence at a much higher rate than in previous years. In New York City for instance, hate crimes against Asian Americans have jumped 19...
Spokane, Washington is the site of the Gonzaga University campus and the Institute of Hate Studies. Located not far from the Idaho panhandle where White Supremacist groups and ideology have flourished, the Institute is on the...
It looks like the Recall organizers who want to oust California Governor Gavin Newsom have successfully gathered more than enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot. Political Scientist Professor at Sonoma State Unive...
The Harvey Milk Terminal 1 at San Francisco International Airport is our newest and repurposed facility. Local artist Emily Fromm was selected by the SF Arts Commission to create four large mosaic murals in the departure hall...
Two women Emanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna won the 2020 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing the gene editing technique known s CRISPR-CAS9. But in 2018 the first humans were born with edited genes in China, twi...
When Governor Cuomo of New York issued his lockdown orders March 20, 2020, he failed to designate fitness centers as essential services. Notwithstanding the health benefits of exercise and the fact that 73% of the 525,000 Cov...
The SF School Board is threatened with being recalled because after one year of Covid related lockdowns, the 127 public schools in the City are still closed to its' 59,000 students. The City is actually suing the School Board...
Serial Entrepreneur and business coach Ed Rocha sets out a clear step by step strategy to take your gig, side hustle or past time from a concept to a profitable business. He practices what he preaches, having successfully lau...
The 2016 vote by 52% of the UK electorate to leave the European Union came at the end of a contentious campaign where Social Media dominated. Targeted micro marketing crafted by firms like Cambridge Analytica foreshadowed eve...
While most of corporate America has been telecommuting to work from their homes for the last 11 months, that's about to change if Goldman Sachs' CEO David Solomon has his way. He views working from home as an aberration "that...
The Biden Administration is seeking to revive negotiations with Iran on the 2015 Obama Administration deal. The Trump Administration abrogated the agreement in 2018. And since then Iran's foes in the Persian Gulf - Dubai, Bah...
California voters are especially testy these days as we enter our 12 th month of Covid lockdown. Not only is the Governor threatened with Recall over his handling of the crisis, but the San Francisco District Attorney is too,...
February is Black History Month when we celebrate and acknowledge the many accomplishments of African Americans throughout the history of the United States. In today's episode, successful Venture Capitalist Jonathan Speed, an...