Science Episodes

Nov. 26, 2024

Fatal Inheritance: How a family misfortune revealed a deadly medical mystery. Talking with author Larry Ingrassia.

Hereditary cancer is a relatively new discovery in the annals of medical science. The Li-Fraumeni Syndrome which is related to a mutation of the P-53 gene, causes multiple cancers in family members. The Ingrassia family is one such case.
Jan. 22, 2024

I am a Tinkerer: Talking with Professor Dr. Rolf Hut

Tinkering or the Maker Movement enables engineers to use everyday materials to craft solutions to even the largest challenges of Climate Change. MacGyver.
June 10, 2023

Quantum Entanglement is not that Spooky after all. Talking with author, Professor Chris Ferrie.

Physicists Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeillinger were awarded the Nobel Prize for Phusics in 2022 for their research regarding the Principle of Entanglement. Quantum Computing Science.
Jan. 26, 2023

On Learning to Heal or What Medicine does not know, In conversation with author, Professor Ed Cohen.

Modern medicine has overlooked the importance of healing which was the cornerstone of medical practice until the late 19th century when science began to dominate medicine.
Feb. 16, 2022

Fusion Power Breakthrough: Clean, Limitless Power. What you need to know.

Takamak reactor at JET facility in Oxfordshire makes a major advance in the field of fusion power.
Guest: Jim Herlihy