Public Health Episodes

Feb. 8, 2025

The Telepathy Tapes: Autism and Telepathy - A scientific perspective. Talking with Stuart Vyse.

Is there a Telepathy Autism Link ? Science says no but parents and believers in paranormal phenomena say yes.
Guest: Stuart Vyse
April 10, 2024

Spillover: Animal Infections and the next Human Pandemic. Talking to author David Quammen.

60% of human disease originated in animals: bats, rodents birds etc. The next pandemic is only a matter of time and a new strain of Avian flu has already infected cows and cats in Texas.
Guest: David Quammen
Aug. 9, 2023

California's High Number of Alzheimers Cases: In conversation with Dr. Kumar Rajan, Professor, Rush University Medical Center.

California has the highest number of Alzheimer’s patients in the US. The incidence is an increasing as the Baby Boom generation ages. Lifestyle and demographics plays a big role as regards who is likely to develop Alzheimer’s.
Guest: Kumar Rajan
May 26, 2023

Del Seymour founder of Code Tenderloin talks to Jim Herlihy

Breaking the cycle of drug addiction in the Tenderloin and going on to help others to overcome substance dependence.
Guest: Del Seymour