Covid Pandemic Episodes

Dec. 7, 2021

Omicron Covid Variant comes to America

First identified and isolated in South Africa on November 24, 2021, the Omicron Covid variant is highly transmissible and breakthrough infections are more common. The first case in America was identified in San Francisco, Dec...
March 31, 2021

A tale of two Covids: Canada and the United States' different paths. In conversation with Trevin Stratton, Chief Economist of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

Canada's Pandemic management in 2020 was exemplary by any measure, lower infection rates and lower mortality rate belied the nation's sense of collective responsibility for all Canadians health. The US has much to learn from ...
Feb. 27, 2021

Working from home: You knew it was too good to last.

While most of corporate America has been telecommuting to work from their homes for the last 11 months, that's about to change if Goldman Sachs' CEO David Solomon has his way. He views working from home as an aberration "that...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Dec. 6, 2020

Anti Vaxxers fight Covid 19 vaccines.

With two new vaccines and their 94% effective rates against Covid 19 pending FDA approval, light is at the end of the tunnel for the Pandemic. But will Americans accept them enthusiastically ? Or will they protest like reject...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Nov. 10, 2020

Covid 19 Vaccine: The Cure at last ?

Pfizer and its' German partner Biontech, announced on Monday November 9, 2020 that their vaccine has a 90% effectiveness rate in preventing Covid 19. This announcement is the first ray of hope that the Covid 19 pandemic which...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
Aug. 20, 2020

If we knew then what we know now about Covid 19.

6 months into the pandemic,transmission rates are dropping and our changed behaviors wearing masks and socially distancing are making a difference. But the Fog of War on Covid 19 at least initially meant that many mistakes we...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
July 31, 2020

A Tale of Two States: California and New York amidst Covid 19

California's Summer surge in C-19 cases has put the Golden State in the dubious first place position of 452,000 cases versus 412,000 for New York. What went wrong ? Back in March and April, California had an enviably low numb...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
July 20, 2020

Let our kids go back to school !

Over 20 European countries have re-opened their schools but the US lags far behind. Our decentralized and locally controlled as well as politicized schools - school boards are elected and funded with local property taxes - ar...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
June 28, 2020

Two steps forward and one back: San Francisco and Covid-19.

Cutting edge research coming out of University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in the antiviral field. Are Kinase Inhibitors the magic bullet to kill the Coronavirus ? --- Send in a voice message:
Guest: Jim Herlihy
June 20, 2020

Post Covid 19 trends for Work, Health, Retail, Dating and Gyms. Don’t be Dense !

Many of our changed behaviors during the Covid 19 confinement are being translated into new policies and procedures by Employers, Healthcare Providers, Retailers and even Significant Others. The overriding theme of the change...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
May 30, 2020

Conspiracy Theories around Covid 19.

The Covid 19 pandemic has spawned many conspiracy theories. Cutting through misinformation and getting to the facts is key. But what is fact and what is fiction ? --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to ...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
May 27, 2020

Superspreaders of Covid 19: Who are they ? How do we control them ?

The 80/20 Rule in business says that 20% of your sales team generates 80% of the company's revenue. In a sense something similar applies to Covid - 19. A small number of C-19 victims can infect a huge number of people. And ...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
May 18, 2020

California's Curbside Comeback

California began Phase 2 of the Shelter in Place orders which began eight weeks ago. Many of the state's 58 counties entered the early stages of re-opening the California economy - the 7th largest in the world if California w...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
May 15, 2020

Will California Covid-19 cases remain low ?

California's total Covid-19 infections have been remarkably low as compared to New York State. There are a host of reasons for the fact California ranks 5th in the Covid-19 stakes, with New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Mas...
Guest: Jim Herlihy
May 13, 2020

Reopening goes global: Baby steps to normalcy.

A wrap-up of reopening news in California and Western Europe. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message:
Guest: Jim Herlihy