Aug. 4, 2022
UK Conservatives choose a new leader and new Prime Minister

For the third time in 6 years, the Conservative Party is voting on a new leader to replaced Boris Johnson. The race is between Rishi Sunak former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Liz Truss, Foreign Secretary.
He would be the first Indo-British Prime Minister and Liz Truss would be the third female PM.
Peking to Paris 2019 Motor Rally with Jim Gately
The 8500 mile rally began in 1907, was revived in 1997 and draws participants from around the world. Jim Gately of Incline Village, Nevada set out on the 34 day trek in 2019 across Asia and Europe with 105 other participants.
Jim will join The San …
Ruth Paine, one of the few surviving Warren Commission witnesses, to appear on TSFEP.
Ruth Paine befriended Lee and Marina Oswald in February 1963. From April 1963 until November 22, 1963 they lived with her at her suburban Dallas home.
She will be my guest on The San Francisco Experience next Thursday to share her memories and Warr…